Lawyer, 17 Apr 2024 03:37:34 +0000en-UShourly1 WHAT IS A LAWYER?, 17 Apr 2024 03:37:34 +0000 of television shows or movies, you may have no knowledge of what lawyers are or what they do. While fictional depictions can be helpful, they are not always accurate. The following are a few commonly asked questions about lawyers. 

What exactly is a lawyer?

A lawyer (also called attorney, counsel, or counselor) is a licensed professional who advises and represents others in legal matters. Today’s lawyer can be young or old, male or female. Nearly one-third of all lawyers are under thirty-five years old. Almost half of the law students today are women, and women may ultimately be as numerous in the profession as men.

I come from another country, and I need to hire a lawyer. Are notaries public lawyers?

A “notary public,” an “accountant,” or a “certified public accountant” is not necessarily a lawyer. Do not assume that titles such as notary public mean the same thing as similar terms in your own language. In some countries, a lawyer is called a “barrister” or a “solicitor.”

What are a lawyer’s main duties?

A lawyer has two main duties: to uphold the law while also protecting a client’s rights. To carry out these duties, a lawyer should understand the law and be an effective communicator.

Is most of a lawyer’s time spent in court?

No. Most lawyers normally spend more time in an office than in a courtroom. The practice of law most often involves researching legal developments, investigating facts, writing and preparing legal documents, giving advice, and settling disputes.

What are the professional requirements for becoming a lawyer?

To understand how laws and the legal system work, lawyers must go through special schooling. Each state has enacted standards that must be met before a person is licensed to practice law there. Before being allowed to practice law in most states, a person must:

  • Have a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent.
  • Complete three years at an ABA-accredited law school.
  • Pass a state bar examination, which usually lasts for two or three days. The exam tests knowledge in selected areas of law. There are also required tests on professional ethics and responsibility.
  • Pass a character and fitness review. Applicants for law licenses must be approved by a committee that investigates character and background.
  • Take an oath, usually swearing to support the laws and the state and federal constitutions.
  • Receive a license from the highest court in the state, usually the state supreme court.

Once licensed in one state, is a lawyer allowed to practice law in all states?

Not automatically. To become licensed in more than one state, a lawyer must usually comply with each state’s bar admission requirements. Some states, however, permit licensed out-of-state lawyers to practice law if they have done so in another state for several years and the new state’s highest court approves them. Many states also have provisions for lawyers to participate in specific cases in states where they are not licensed. The lawyer in such a case is said to be appearing pro hoc vice, which means “for this one particular occasion.”

If I have a legal problem, do I have to hire a lawyer?

Not necessarily – you may represent yourself. And, in some specialized situations, such as bringing a complaint before a government agency (for example, a dispute over Social Security or Medicare benefits), nonlawyers or paralegals may be qualified to represent you. (Paralegals are nonlawyers who have received training that enables them to assist lawyers in a number of tasks; they typically cannot represent clients in court.) If you are in this situation, ask the government agency involved what types of legal representatives are acceptable.

There are many matters you can deal with yourself, if you know how to go about it. For example, you can represent yourself in traffic or small-claims court, or engage in negotiations and enter into contracts on your own. But if you are not sure about the consequences of your actions or are uncertain about how to proceed, getting some quick legal advice from a lawyer could be very helpful in preventing problems down the road.

Why does it sound like lawyers speak and write in a totally different language?

Lawyers and others trained in the law often use legal terms as shorthand to express complicated ideas or principles. These words and phrases, many rooted in Latin, are often jokingly referred to as a foreign language—legalese. Although some legalese may be necessary in order to communicate certain ideas precisely, a document that is understood by very few of its readers is just plain poor communication.

Since 1978, federal regulations are required to be “written in plain English and understandable to those who must comply” with them. Many states also have laws requiring that insurance policies, leases, and consumer contracts be written in plain English. Of particular importance is the trend in law schools to discourage the use of legalese and to encourage the use of plain, comprehensible English.


Lawyers and attorneys can work across a variety of different law fields, and their professional roles can vary in responsibilities. However, these professionals have several key skills that are required to be successful in the job. If you’re pursuing your career as a lawyer, no matter what field you choose to practice in, it’s important you have the skills necessary to perform in the role.

In this article, we discuss what skills lawyers need in their jobs, how you can improve your lawyer skills and how you can highlight them on your resume, in your cover letter and during an interview.

What are lawyer skills?

Lawyer skills encompass a variety of hard and soft skills that are both specific to the profession and transferable skills. Communication, knowledge of law practices, protocols and regulations, interpersonal skills and the ability to think critically and solve problems are just several skills you’ll need as an attorney. Additionally, many lawyers are technically savvy, where they commonly use programs and applications like word processors, spreadsheet software, scheduling applications and technical communication tools.


9 examples of lawyer skills

Lawyers rely on a range of hard and soft skills to achieve success and positive outcomes for their clients. As you enter your career, there are several skills you’ll want to develop as a lawyer, including:

1. Analytical and research skills

Lawyers rely heavily on their ability to perform deep research into topics related to cases they work on. Additionally, the ability to analyze details, ascertain information, infer context from clients and witnesses and other analytical applications are necessary as a lawyer. This profession often comes with documents, complex information and other data that will require you to perform research and think critically about what you’re working on.

2. Attention to detail

Attention to detail is highly important for lawyers, no matter their field of law practice. Lawyers work with diverse clients across many types of law practices, and these professionals rely on their attention to detail to spot inconsistencies in clients’ cases, obscure witness information or other types of data related to the projects they work on.

3. Organizational skills

Client records, important documents and other records are a regular aspect of the profession. Many lawyers find methods for keeping their important documents and information organized and may often use computer applications to help them keep track of schedules, appointments, hearings and other job-related events.

4. Time management

Effective time management is also critical in this career field. Typically, lawyers charge for their services on a per-hour basis, which means staying on track during client meetings, mediation, hearings and other tasks during working hours. In addition to scheduling and keeping track of time spent with clients, it’s also important to efficiently dedicate time to different tasks of the job, including researching, compiling paperwork or gathering information.

5. Persuasive communication

Attorneys commonly apply persuasive techniques in their jobs on a frequent basis, especially court lawyers (attorneys that appear in court). Persuasive communication requires the ability to relate to others, find their pain points and apply methods for solving cases and achieving success. Even though persuasive communication is meant to sway others to a common cause, lawyers always apply persuasive techniques to achieve positive outcomes for their clients.

6. Written communication skills

Lawyers perform many writing tasks throughout their workdays, and strong written communication is a highly desirable trait in this profession. Legal writing, documenting caseloads and casework, writing query letters, letters of demand and other applications are several writing tasks you’ll perform in your career.

7. Interpersonal skills

Lawyers interact and work with a variety of diverse clients and professionals. Therefore, it’s highly advantageous to have strong interpersonal skills, including empathy and the ability to connect with others. Additionally, interpreting emotions, providing support and helping resolve conflict are some of the skills that lawyers commonly rely on when working with their clients.

8. Technical skills

Technical skills, including specialized skill sets specific to the field, are becoming more desirable for attorneys to have. For instance, working with computer applications like spreadsheets, word processors and online applications are several technical aspects of the job. In addition to computer skills, knowledge of your law field and the technical terms, laws and protocols will also be necessary to achieve success in your career.

9. Financial skills

Many lawyers are increasing their financial literacy skills, especially professionals who start their own private firms. Several financial skills you’ll want to have when entering your career include balancing a ledger, understanding tax laws and principles, calculating profits, billing clients and being able to communicate some of this information when collecting payment from clients.

Tips to improve your lawyer skills

Aside from learning to apply your skills on the job, there are many approaches you can take to improve your lawyer skills and overall expertise in your profession, including:

Dedicate time to learn your field

Commit to spending extra time outside of work learning more about your field of practice as you start your career. This will help you develop a deep understanding of your specific law field (such as civil litigation, family law, personal injury law or another field) so you can provide the best service to your clients.

Practice your persuasive skills

This is especially critical if you choose to work as a court lawyer where you’ll regularly appear before a judge, jury and courtroom. Persuasive techniques when working in this capacity will be highly advantageous. Practice techniques such as maintaining eye contact, telling the story, connecting with your listeners and finishing your discussion on a strong point, such as physical evidence or an eyewitness. The more you practice persuasive techniques like these, the more proficient you’ll become.

Develop your legal writing skills

Legal writing is a large part of being a lawyer, and you’ll likely spend time throughout your career documenting casework, relating information, researching and conveying your research through writing. Improve your writing skills through practice and apply writing techniques including vocabulary usage, creating context and recording information clearly and concisely.

Learn techniques for coping with stress

The profession of a lawyer can become quite stressful, and it’s important that you develop your ability to deal with fast-paced and stressful environments. Learn coping techniques for managing stress, like meditation, light exercise and breathing. This way you have the necessary tools and resources for those times you encounter stressful situations.

Improve your conflict resolution techniques

Lawyers commonly act as mediators in a variety of settings, and conflict resolution skills plus the ability to collaborate and solve problems are essential to be successful in your career. Develop your understanding of common conflict resolution methods and practice active listening and clear communication to help clients solve problems and come to positive outcomes.

How to demonstrate lawyer skills in the workplace

As you advance in your career, you’ll want to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in the workplace. The following approaches include several ways you can showcase your lawyer skills on the job:

Help others get organized

Offer to help colleagues and clients get organized by compiling data, categorizing evidence, filing records and performing other documentation tasks. This demonstrates your willingness to help as well as your ability to apply effective organizational methods in the office.

Proofread colleagues’ work

Support your colleagues when they complete legal writing tasks by helping to proofread and review their documents. This highlights your attention to detail, interpersonal skills, teamwork and collaboration skills.

Ask for feedback

Ask for feedback from your clients about your approaches to documenting their cases, working with witnesses and other aspects of your time with them. Likewise, request feedback from your superiors or more experienced attorneys to help you further develop in your career.

Apply new skills

As you learn new skills and deepen your knowledge of your field of practice, apply these skills on the job. For example, if you learn a new persuasive communication technique, practice and apply this skill during your next appearance in the courtroom. Whenever you learn something new that you can apply on the job, showcase this at work.

Offer support in complex cases

If you notice a colleague is working on a complex case or needs assistance with some aspect of their project, provide support. For instance, assist with legal research, compiling data and documenting records. This shows your dedication to your team along with your motivation to help clients succeed.

How to highlight lawyer skills

When you enter the career field, there are several ways to highlight your lawyer skills on your resume, in a cover letter and during a job interview to effectively demonstrate your knowledge and expertise:

On a resume

Include your unique experience and skill set right away on your resume so employers see it first. Use a professional profile or even a distinct section for your skills. Incorporate action words that show employers how you succeeded in the past and what kind of accomplishments you made throughout your career. Additionally, make sure you include your skills that directly relate to the job description and what the employer is looking for in a candidate.

In a cover letter

In your cover letter, give some details about your knowledge, experience and credentials, and give examples of how these skills helped you achieve an outcome in your past job. Then, highlight how you plan to apply your skills on the job to contribute to achieving company objectives. This will show employers evidence of your past success combined with your plan to achieve similar results for them.

During an interview

During an interview, you’re likely to encounter behavioral and situational interview questions that allow the interviewer to get an idea of your skills. Showcase your qualifications and skills by describing a situation from your past experience, how you approached the situation and how the situation turned out.

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A LAWYER AND AN ATTORNEY?, 17 Apr 2024 03:33:50 +0000 terms “lawyer” and “attorney” have one critical difference: While anyone who graduates from law school is a lawyer, that doesn’t automatically mean the same thing as becoming an attorney under US law. In other words, while all attorneys are lawyers, not all lawyers are attorneys. In general terms, a lawyer is a professional who is qualified to provide legal advice and represent individuals and organizations in legal matters. An attorney, on the other hand, is a lawyer who has been admitted to practice law in a particular jurisdiction.

Understanding the Difference Between Lawyer and Attorney

Both lawyers and attorneys are trained and licensed to practice law. The public often is mistaken when using these terms interchangeably. The term “lawyer” can be used universally to refer to anyone who practices law, while “attorney” should be used more specifically when referring to someone who has been officially admitted to practice law in a particular jurisdiction. This includes personal injury attorney, divorce attorney, district attorney, etc.

Origins of Lawyer and Attorney

Knowing the origins of both terms can also help you understand the difference between attorney vs lawyer. The word ‘lawyer’ has Middle English origins (a period of roughly 300 years from around 1150 CE to around 1450) and refers to someone who is educated and trained in law. Lawyers are people who have gone to law school and often may have taken and passed the bar exam. However, a lawyer doesn’t have to pass the bar exam, as there are plenty of job opportunities for people with a law degree without it.

To practice law, provide legal advice, and offer courtroom aid, you’re required to pass the bar. It’s considered illegal for an unlicensed lawyer to give legal advice, and this can result in criminal charges and legal action against the individual. Without it, law graduates may only provide legal information without interpreting how said information would apply to a particular problem. If a person has not yet passed the law exam, while he or she can provide legal information, he or she cannot interpret the federal and state laws to clients in reference to their legal matters.

Attorney has French origins and stems from a word meaning “one appointed by another to act in his place,” from Old French atorné “(one) appointed,” past participle of aturner “to decree, assign, appoint,” from atorner “to assign,” literally “to turn to”. The term attorney is an abbreviated form of the formal title ‘attorney at law’. An attorney is not only trained and educated in law, but also practices it in court. A simpler definition of an attorney is someone who acts as a practitioner in a court of law.

Roles and Responsibilities of Lawyers vs Attorneys

Like the distinction between the definition of lawyer vs attorney, the difference between the roles and responsibilities of the two professions is important to understand. As noted, both are formally trained and educated in law, but how someone uses their education and training is often a notable difference between attorney and lawyer.

An important designation is that you don’t have to practice law in court to be considered a lawyer. Lawyers may take on roles as consultants or advisors. Many choose to practice in a specialized field such as estate law, immigration law, or tax law, where they can give legal advice to clients.

On the other hand, an attorney is someone who actively practices law in court. Passing the bar exam is a requirement for an attorney, giving them the right to practice law in a specific jurisdiction. Like lawyers, attorneys are required to abide by a code of ethics and may practice in both civil and criminal courts.

As part of a bar association, attorneys must abide by rules of professional conduct and a code of ethics. The word “bar” itself, in the context of legal proceedings, comes from Middle English, as well. It refers to the physical bar dividing a courtroom, at which law practitioners would speak (for the same reason, “barristers” in the United Kingdom are a type of attorney). An attorney-at-law can also be defined as a court practitioner licensed by the state to defend a client or prosecute individuals accused of breaking the law.

How to Get Legal Help from our Attorney

Want to know how our personal injury attorneys in Waterbury & New Britain may be able to help you? Please fill out our online request form at to receive a no-obligation evaluation of your case. For us to help you fight for your interests, our Waterbury injury lawyers need to get to know you and your situation. The types of cases our firm handles include but are not limited to:

  • Dog bites
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Slip & falls
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Whiplash
  • Wrongful death
  • Medical malpractice
  • Premises liability
  • Spine injuries
  • Truck accidents
  • Workers’ compensation

We strive to provide 24/7 service to our clients. Accidents can happen at any moment of the day, so your injury lawyer should always be ready. Our diligent commitment to advocating for the interests of our clients has earned us The Waterbury Observer‘s Best Personal Injury Lawyer award for both 2012 and 2013 and the Best Law Firm award since 2012.

To summarize, the words “lawyer” and “attorney” may be used in different ways depending on the situation. In some situations, the word “lawyer” can mean a general legal professional, while the word “attorney” can mean a specialized legal professional who has been officially admitted to practice law in a certain area. To determine which term is appropriate in your specific situation, give us a call today and we will walk you through each step of your specific situation. Have you or a loved one been in an accident because of another person’s negligent actions? You may be entitled to seek legal recourse. The Waterbury and New Britain personal injury attorneys at BJM Law are known for being a dedicated, hard-hitting legal team. Our court-tested team can help you secure the medical and financial help you need after an injury.


Throughout one’s life from buying their first house, to planning for retirement and everything in-between, they will likely interact with quite a few different categories of lawyers. 10 key categories of attorneys can encompass almost all of the types of legal roadblocks or issues an individual may encounter in their lifetime.

  1. Personal Injury Lawyer
  2. Criminal Defense Lawyer
  3. Social Security Disability Lawyer
  4. Employment Lawyer
  5. Bankruptcy Lawyer
  6. Domestic Relations Lawyer
  7. Probate Lawyer
  8. Real Estate Lawyer
  9. Debt Collections Lawyer
  10. Business Lawyer

Personal Injury Lawyer

A personal injury lawyer is a civil litigator who provides legal representation to plaintiffs who have experienced an injury as a result of the negligent or intentional acts of another individual, organization, or entity. Personal injury lawyers specialize in tort law which covers civil wrongs or injuries. The main goal of tort law is to make the injured party whole again and to deter other individuals from repeating the same offense.

Personal injury lawyers help plaintiffs receive compensation for their losses such as loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, medical expenses, emotional distress, loss of consortium, and legal costs and fees. Personal injury lawyers also function to protect clients from becoming victims of the legal system as a whole. Personal injury law can involve anything from car accidents to dangerous drugs. The personal injury attorneys handle cases from inception to appeal.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

A criminal defense lawyer fulfills a number of important roles during the course of a criminal case. The criminal defense lawyer is responsible for defending an individual charged with a crime and speaks on that individual’s account. A criminal defense attorney may be contacted directly by the defendant or may be assigned the case by the court. Many criminal defense attorneys are actually public defenders who are paid by the public defender’s office. Many public defenders are appointed cases by the local, state, or federal court. Other criminal defense attorneys are fired by private firms or have their own legal office.

A criminal defense attorney is firstly assigned to their client and case. Next, the criminal defense attorney interviews the client to learn the strengths and witnesses of their defense. The attorney will then further investigate the case background and analyze pertinent evidence. The lawyer will assist with the jury selection process and then plea bargaining before the trial ever begins. The criminal defense lawyer advocates at trial for their client to convince the jury that the prosecution failed to meet their burden of proof. Finally, the criminal defense attorney can represent the defendant during the sentencing phase if this occurs to limit the defendant’s jail time or offer alternatives to incarceration.

Social Security Disability Lawyer

After an individual is wrongly denied disability benefits, they may decide to hire a social security disability lawyer. This attorney will help an individual appeal the Social Security Administration (SSA)’s decision. The lawyer will look at the details of the case to determine how the individual was denied. A disability attorney can be retained at any point during the claims process, even before the claim is filed. Most claims are denied during the initial review, and at that point, a lawyer is usually retained to file a request for reconsideration.

A disability lawyer understands how to address the deficiencies in the claim and provides additional details for DDS to review the amended claim during the reconsideration phase. The lawyer will look at what evidence the claim is lacking to be able to gather the missing links to get the claim back on track.

Employment Lawyer

Employment lawyers provide a variety of services to employers and employees, from helping them understand their legal rights, to helping them fight for these rights and recover from injuries received within the context of the workplace. For an employer, a lawyer can assist them in complying with federal and state anti-discrimination laws. The employment attorney may also help employers learn about their obligations in complying with OSHA guidelines and environmental regulations. This type of law may also involve worker’s compensation claims.

Employment law often involves representing clients who have been discriminated against in the workplace. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, and religion. Therefore, employment lawyers often represent the employees who may have been terminated demoted, reassigned, not hired, or otherwise the recipient of an adverse employment action based on a protected status under the Act.

Bankruptcy Lawyer

A bankruptcy lawyer can assist with the complexities of a bankruptcy proceeding, from before an individual files until the time debts are discharged. The attorney can help guide an individual through the complex decisions, paperwork, and procedures of bankruptcy. At the outset of the bankruptcy procedure, the attorney can counsel an individual if bankruptcy is the right decision. The attorney will take a critical look at debts and assets and determine if bankruptcy is the correct path to improve your circumstances.

A big part of a bankruptcy lawyer’s job assisting a client can be comparing the chapter 7 and chapter 13 options. This critical decision is to determine by assessing the size and makeup of debt. The assets the client is willing to risk in a bankruptcy, and the ability to repay debts or a portion of debts, among a number of other considerations. Once the client and attorney determine the client’s filing plan, an attorney can help the client make key planning decisions. Attorneys can help the client consider aspects of the bankruptcy such as whether to file jointly with a spouse or co-sign on any loans that fall under the bankruptcy filing.

Domestic Relations Lawyer

Domestic relation is a field of family law that governs relations within a family or household. These attorneys can protect their clients through many different family law issues. One of the most common issues domestic relations attorneys deal with is divorce. The domestic relations lawyer protects their clients along the way and introduces them to every step of the divorce process. Within the divorce process, there can be child custody issues as well. This can be a difficult task, and it is rare parents agree on these issues. As well as divorce and child custody, the domestic relations courts hear cases involving alimony, domestic abuse, and child support.

While most family law practices deal with issues of divorce such as division of marital property, child custody and support, and alimony, family lawyers also draft prenuptial and postnuptial agreements and litigate all related matters. Domestic relations lawyers have a wide range of legal skills they must perform from drafting and negotiating contracts, pleadings and other legal documents, litigating contested matters, counseling clients on their legal rights and options, and attempting to resolve disputes. Moreso, domestic relations lawyers must have the interpersonal communication skills to diffuse potentially emotional situations with clients and their spouses.

Probate Lawyer

Probate lawyers are also called estate or trust lawyers. These lawyers help the executors of the estate to manage the probate process. These attorneys may also help with estate planning. Estate planning can involve drafting wills or living trusts, giving advice on powers of attorney, or even serve as an executor or administer of an estate. The work of a probate lawyer often depends on whether the client has drafted a will before their death. When there is a will the lawyer will assist the clients to advise the parties on legal matters that accompany the beneficiaries of the estate. When there is no will, the lawyer may be hired to assist the administrator of the estate in determining how assets will be distributed according to state intestacy law.

A probate attorney may perform certain tasks. These include collecting and managing life insurance proceeds, getting the decedent’s property appraised as well as finding and securing all of the decedent’s assets. The lawyer may also advise on how to pay the decedent’s bills and settle debt, prepare or file documents as required by a probate court, managing the estate’s checkbook, and determining whether any estate taxes are owed.

Real Estate Lawyer

Real estate lawyers are able to guide individuals through the complex legal process of buying a home. This category of lawyers specializes in matters relevant to property. This overarching category can involve anything from transactions like buying and selling a home to dealing with property disputes between parties. A real estate attorney prepares or reviews documents that are signed at the closing of a real estate purchase. Real estate lawyers deal with the purchase and sale of real property as well as legal issues related to anything attached to the property. Real estate law covers deeds, property taxes, estate planning, zoning, and titles.

Real estate attorneys must also be equipped to prepare and review documents relating to purchase agreements, mortgage documents, title documents, and transfer documents.

The lawyers who specialize in real estate ensure proper procedures are followed during the acquisition or sale of real estate property. A real estate closing is when money is paid for the real estate property and the title is transferred from the old owner to the new owner. The real estate attorney ensures that the transfer is legal, binding, and in the best interest of the client. To prepare for the closing, the real estate attorney may create documents, complete title searches, and handle the transfer of funds for the purchase. Problems with the chain of titles such as liens on the property, lot line problems, or contract issues will all be handled by the real estate attorney.

Debt Collections Lawyer

When an individual is in debt, and certain events occur such as creditors calling your home and work, and threats of lawsuits from these creditors, an individual may be in need of a debt collection attorney. Other factors that could lead to your need for a debt collection attorney are being treated unfairly by creditors or an inability to pay back loans at the present time. To determine your best course of action to get your money back when a debtor is not paying up, a debt collection attorney may be the right solution.

A debt collection lawyer can mean different things to a creditor and a debtor. For a creditor, an attorney can help to put a plan in place to gain back the money you loaned out to a debtor. For a debtor, while they face the same outcomes, the attorney can help negotiate the debt down. In the end, the debt collection lawyer can be the best solution to avoid being taken advantage of on either side of the transaction.

Business Lawyer

Business lawyers help keep companies running and growing by overseeing their legal business. Business la covers a wide range of legal areas and applied to many different types of business activity. The legal issues a business lawyer may face usually involve corporate law, partnership law, banking law, sales law, securities law, or some combination of these. The business lawyer comes in where the business and legal universe intersects.

Business lawyers anticipate problems that could arise for their clients and guide them to help avoid these issues. The business lawyer is required to not only understand the law, but also the focus of their client’s business goals. Sometimes business lawyers work in-house for the legal department of a company. This specific kind of work can involve the interpretation of laws and regulations as well as communicating advice to the company. The business lawyer’s time will most often be spent on negotiation, legal analysis, contract drafting, advising, and writing.

The Cochran Firm

Our founder, the legendary Johnnie Cochran, believed that all Americans should have access to justice. Today, we continue his legacy by offering quality legal representation across the country.

We have injury attorneys for those who have suffered major accidents. But we also offer criminal defense services, because we understand that when you’re faced with a life-altering accusation, you need the best help you can get.

Whether you need an injury lawyer or an attorney experienced in one of these areas, we can help. We have more than 20 offices across the country.

Whatever your reason for needing a lawyer, we’re happy to talk with you about your claim. We offer free, no-obligation initial consultations so we can discuss your case, evaluate whether you have a claim, and explain the legal process.


Did you know that almost 50% of all marriages in America will end in separation or divorce?

Nobody gets married with the intention of getting a divorce. Divorce law is complicated and necessitates sticking to a particular legal process. This can take a few months or years, based on the situation of the relationship and the divorce proceedings.

Although you might want to represent yourself in a divorce to save some cash, most people find the divorce process time-consuming and difficult. They are grateful to have the support of an experienced divorce lawyer.

Moreover, divorce involves several important decisions that will impact the rest of your life and the lives of your family. Divorce can also be a very emotional process that impairs your ability to reason clearly.

Continue reading to learn the 7 reasons you should hire a divorce lawyer.

1. Have a Person Who Can Speak Out for You

When you are in the middle of a divorce, you will need somebody who may advocate for you. This is particularly true if you and your ex-partner had large assets in common.

Everything must be split between the two of you after a divorce. You might not be able to come to an agreement if you try to negotiate with your partner on your own. To protect their interests, your partner might hire their own attorney.

When this occurs, you ought to get a divorce attorney. This way, you can make sure that your preferences are followed as much as possible.

Additionally, your lawyer can guarantee that everything is just. The best lawyer will fight for you if they think your ex-spouse is requesting more than what is reasonable.

2. To Streamline the Process

If you do not understand what to expect or do, the divorce process may be brief and simple or lengthy and drawn out. Finalizing a divorce may take years if you are unfamiliar with the legal system. And if you and your partner cannot reach an agreement, the process may drag on for a long time.

Here is where engaging a lawyer might be helpful. A divorce lawyer can assist you in expediting the divorce procedure. They know how to assist you in avoiding drawn-out and complicated litigation whenever possible.

Legal consultation. A lawyer helping a couple to fill legal papers

3. Paperwork

Many things in life are impossible to predict with 100% certainty. But one thing is certain: having a divorce creates a lot of paperwork.

It’s a blessing to have someone who understands how to complete and file every paperwork that a divorce generates, and; guess what? A divorce attorney is excellent at doing just that.

By engaging a divorce lawyer, you can prevent filling out the wrong paperwork and avoid having to do all the paperwork.

4. You May Request Legal Advice

In divorce proceedings, you could occasionally come across steps in the process that you don’t comprehend. Without legal counsel, you run the risk of making mistakes.

These errors may cause the divorce process to drag out or become more challenging. It would be best if you thought about hiring a divorce attorney to help you prevent them. You can then communicate with your attorney when you have questions concerning the process.

Likewise, your attorney can assist you in knowing how to respond when your ex makes certain demands. You may not know how to respond in a way that will protect your interests if you don’t have legal help.

5. Defend Your Children’s Rights

When there are kids involved in a divorce, things get more complicated. Divorcing parents often fight over who should have custody of the kids. Custody fights often end up in court.

The authorities consider the child’s best interests when selecting who the children should stay with. In most cases, courts try to keep both parents active in their children’s lives. Even though one parent has sole custody, the other parent could get visitation rights.

Additionally, sometimes parents may have joint custody. They are each granted temporary custody of the kids.

Statistics show that women are more likely to get primary custody of their kids. The best lawyers assist in keeping things as fair as possible.

You can apply for sole custody and limit your ex-access if you think they pose a danger to your kids. Your attorney will assist you in proving to the judge why keeping your children away from your partner is in their best interests.

You’ll also be responsible for paying child support if you’re not the parent with primary custody. Your attorney will assist you in making sure that the cost is within your means.

6. Focus on the “Big Picture”

A family lawyer will focus on negotiating the best deal possible, whereas you may just be concerned with “winning” the case. This may entail encouraging you to compromise on some things to obtain more of your “must-haves.”

A fair divorce settlement is one that both parties can live with, even though they each gave up some of what they had planned to get. Family lawyers know the importance of cost. This is because they work with people with limited resources rather than large organizations with unlimited resources.

A competent divorce attorney may advise you on setting priorities. This helps to get more of what you actually need, even if it means sacrificing part of what you desire in the process. They can also help you avoid wasting money by fighting over every issue.

7. Improve Communication With Your Spouse

Having a divorce can be highly emotional. You could feel hatred, betrayal, or even sadness during the divorce. Although these feelings are normal, they may make it difficult for you to speak with your spouse.

In a divorce, effective communication is crucial. The divorce will go more smoothly if the two parties communicate well. Nevertheless, due to what you are going through, you may be quicker to respond in frustration.

A lawyer can communicate with your partner and their legal team on your behalf. If you need to speak to your partner, they’ll give you advice and conduct the conversation professionally.

Hire a Divorce Lawyer for Your Case

Separating from a spouse is a tough decision to make. Despite you and your soon-to-be-ex agreeing on almost everything, speaking with a skilled divorce lawyer is still advisable. It will ensure your needs are met when the divorce is finalized.

5 THINGS A LAWYER CAN DO FOR YOU WHEN PURCHASING A HOUSE, 17 Apr 2024 03:27:32 +0000 a lawyer who specializes in real estate might increase your total home purchasing cost, but it could save you a whole lot of hassle and headaches in the long run.

Of course, hiring a property lawyer is optional and to cut costs you may rely on your ‘negotiation skills’ or you might have gotten assurance from friends who have ‘done it themselves’ before. However, most first time buyers would need some kind of legal advice to ensure that their home purchases go smoothly, especially if its a secondary property.?

To delve deeper into the reasoning of why a property lawyer is necessary, we first explain conveyancing. Conveyancing can be defined as the legal process involving documentation and administrative work with regards to buying and selling of a property.

Technically, you do not need a lawyer when you want to purchase a home in Malaysia. Why is this so? It is based on the simple fact that everything about conveyancing is already spelt out explicitly in the National Land Code 1965, Stamp Act 1949, Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966, Strata Titles Act 1985, Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 and the Contract Act 1950.

This means that you will be able to draft out your Sales & Purchase Agreement (S&P) yourself. There are also runners who will do conveyancing work for you for a specific fee, which is usually lower than that of a conveyancing lawyer’s.

1. Property types

If nothing else, engaging an attorney in the early stages of buying a residential property gives you an edge in negotiations. When it comes to conveyancing matters, lawyers are bound by the Legal Profession Act 1974. On the other hand, a runner is not bound to any Act or professional body.

Rather than guessing what to do and how to do things, having a lawyer at your service gives you the assurance that your best interests are being represented every step of the way by a professional – from the beginning, middle, to the end of the property deal.

A conveyancing lawyer is subject to disciplinary action by the Malaysian Bar, the body governing lawyers in West Malaysia or Sabah Law Association or Advocates’ Association of Sarawak for breach of any rules by lawyers in Sabah or Sarawak, respectively.

Hence, a lawyer has a legal responsibility to his/her client and will endeavour to protect you (as the client) at all costs against unforeseen legal circumstances. A legal professional would be able to advise you on your best legal recourse if things don’t go according to plan. This would enable you, as a buyer, to quickly reassess the situation and explore your available options.

2. Ensuring the documentation are in order

First time home buyers could be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of documentation required in closing the property deal, including sale and purchase agreement, housing loan, title deed, insurance, personal documentation, etc.

Having a lawyer on your side would ensure that you’re not missing any vital documents that could delay the process. Any delays could also be costly to you as a buyer because the seller might just decide to negotiate with another potential buyer who is waiting in the wings.

3. Explaining the procedure and jargons

As reckless as it is, many would be reluctant to admit that they skip the process of reading through all the documentation related to the property transaction, especially the all-important sale and purchase agreement.

This is a big mistake that property buyers would eventually regret.

Always read everything in your contract and understand them, especially the fine print which may contain clauses that could affect you as a buyer. Of course, not everything is comprehensible to the layman, especially some of the complicated jargons and legal terms and conditions. This is where having a property lawyer on your side comes in handy. You can ask whatever you’re uncertain about before signing the dotted line. Also, check out what are the 5 things homebuyers should take note of before signing a booking form.

4. Dealing with third parties

As the saying goes, there are only two certainties in life – death and taxes.  Although it is not necessarily pleasant to plan for your departure from this world, it could prevent your loved ones from squabbling over ownership of your assets – especially your properties – when you die.

Engaging a lawyer who specialises in wills and trusts will go a long way towards making sure that your properties go to the person(s) of your choice when you die.  Even though you may choose to write your own will, you might not know the legal requirements and technicalities of writing one.

For example, how many witnesses would you need to make the will a legal and binding document? Are there any specific formats in writing a will? What are the implications of any outstanding loans or taxes related to the property? What information is mandatory to be included in the will?

The transfer of properties after one’s death can be a complex and prolonged matter. Engaging a lawyer in advance would at least ease this difficult phase for your family when the time eventually comes. Follow up your research with this article: A Conveyancer reveals – 7 things homebuyers should check before signing the SPA.

UNLOCKING THE POWER OF LEGAL CONSULTATION: A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE, 17 Apr 2024 03:25:20 +0000 a world governed by intricate laws and regulations, the role of legal consultation has become increasingly vital. Legal consultation bridges the gap between individuals, businesses, and the complex legal landscape they navigate. In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey to explore the nuances of legal consultation, its significance, how to find the right legal counsel, and the transformative impact it can have on individuals and organizations alike.


Understanding Legal Consultation: Beyond the Surface

At its core, legal consultation involves seeking expert advice and guidance from qualified legal professionals to address a wide range of legal matters. These matters can encompass various areas, including business transactions, personal disputes, estate planning, intellectual property protection, and more. Legal consultation serves as a beacon of knowledge that shines light on the intricate web of laws, enabling individuals and businesses to make informed decisions.

The Importance of Expert Insight: Why Legal Consultation Matters

Legal consultation offers invaluable insights that go beyond what a quick online search can provide. While basic legal information is readily available, the intricacies of individual cases demand personalized expertise. Lawyers possess the ability to analyze the unique circumstances surrounding each case and provide tailored advice, taking into account local regulations, precedent cases, and potential implications.

Navigating the Legal Landscape: When to Seek Consultation

Knowing when to seek legal consultation is essential. Whether you’re an individual dealing with a personal injury claim, an entrepreneur establishing a startup, or a corporation facing a complex merger, legal guidance can mean the difference between success and pitfalls. Seeking consultation early can prevent legal issues from escalating and provide a strategic advantage in approaching legal challenges.

Finding the Right Legal Counsel: A Precise Match

One of the most critical aspects of legal consultation is finding the right legal counsel. The process involves thorough research, careful consideration of experience and expertise, and understanding the lawyer’s approach to solving legal problems. Factors such as communication skills, availability, and a track record of success also play a pivotal role in determining the ideal legal partner.

The Consultation Process: From Evaluation to Resolution

The legal consultation process typically begins with an initial evaluation, during which the lawyer assesses the details of the case. This evaluation provides an opportunity for the client to discuss their concerns, objectives, and desired outcomes. Following the evaluation, the lawyer formulates a comprehensive strategy and outlines potential courses of action. Throughout the process, open communication and transparency between the lawyer and client are paramount.



Transformative Impact: Empowering Individuals and Businesses

Legal consultation not only offers solutions to existing legal challenges but also empowers individuals and businesses with preventive measures. By addressing potential legal risks proactively, legal consultation can save individuals and organizations time, resources, and stress in the long run. Moreover, legal guidance can lead to more favorable outcomes in disputes, negotiations, and contract arrangements.

Ethics and Trust: The Foundation of Legal Consultation

Ethical considerations are at the heart of legal consultation. Trust between the lawyer and client is built on a foundation of transparency, honesty, and the assurance that the lawyer’s advice is in the best interest of the client. Upholding professional ethics ensures that legal consultation maintains its integrity and serves as a reliable resource for those in need.

The Future of Legal Consultation: Embracing Innovation

As technology continues to reshape industries, the legal field is no exception. Virtual consultations, online legal platforms, and AI-powered tools are transforming the way legal consultation is delivered. These innovations enhance accessibility, streamline communication, and provide a wider reach for those seeking legal guidance.

Conclusion: Empowerment through Expertise

Legal consultation is a powerful tool that empowers individuals and businesses to navigate the intricate legal landscape with confidence. From guiding critical decisions to offering insights that prevent legal pitfalls, legal consultation is the bridge that connects the complexities of the law with the practical needs of people and organizations. As we continue to traverse the ever-evolving world of law, embracing the expertise of legal professionals through consultation remains a beacon of guidance and empowerment.

SAFEGUARDING ONLINE PRIVACY: ESSENTIAL TIPS EVERY USER SHOULD KNOW, 17 Apr 2024 03:23:23 +0000 User Privacy on the Internet: Navigating Control and Access

The privacy of internet users depends on their ability to control the amount of personal information they provide and who has access to that information.

In their daily online activities, internet users may disclose personal information that others can exploit to violate privacy. Sensitive information such as IP addresses, email addresses, real-time locations, home, or workplace addresses can be revealed during various online interactions.

Businesses, governments, and other organizations typically collect data when users establish online accounts, make online purchases, participate in surveys, or engage in various online activities. While some businesses responsibly use this data to enhance user experiences, transactions are often linked with minimal personal identification. Some websites track pages visited and mouse clicks without identifying personal information.

Detailed personal information may become available online when users add private details to profiles, engage in social media, or comment within online groups. Friends may also contribute by writing about or posting pictures of users and their families. Professional groups and associations may reveal names, workplaces, and contribution histories.

Of particular concern is the potential misuse of online user data by cybercriminals for fraud, identity theft, and other malicious purposes.

2. What Happens to User Information?

Several businesses responsibly use user personal information to improve user experiences with their products and services. Online transactions are often linked to users through information such as delivery addresses or credit card numbers. However, in most cases, businesses collect data without identifying users by name. Some websites track the pages you visit and clicks you make without associating the information with personal details.

Personal information about users may be available online because users have added private information to profiles, participated in social networks like Facebook, or commented in various Twitter groups. Friends may also write about or post pictures of users and their families. Professional groups, clubs, and occupational associations may disclose names, workplaces, and contribution histories.

Cybercriminals can potentially exploit online user data for fraud, identity theft, and other malicious purposes.

3. Securing Online Privacy

  • Always Use Passwords: It is crucial to set passwords for digital devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops, or any other device containing personal data. Installing strong passwords for online accounts and using password managers to create and track complex passwords is recommended.
  • Protect Computers from Viruses: Privacy and digital security are closely linked. If a computer is infected with malware or a virus, hackers may access and steal personal information. Regularly installing and updating antivirus programs on digital devices helps eliminate security vulnerabilities. Users can enable automatic software updates to maintain computer safety.
  • Secure Web Browsing Processes: Exercise caution while browsing the web by disabling JavaScript, third-party cookies, and using anonymous browsing when necessary. Additionally, note that using a private proxy helps access restricted websites, but it does not guarantee complete anonymity. The best approach is to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
  • Change Search Engines: Some search engines track search behavior and use browsing history for advertising. This means users are continually monitored during internet searches. To avoid this, users can opt for privacy-oriented search engines like Google, Bing, etc.
  • Be Mindful of Social Media: Adjust privacy settings for account security, customize how others view shared information and posts to limit potential risks.
  • Stay Alert to Scams: Always be cautious of emails, calls, and websites requesting personal information. Many scammers impersonate legitimate companies or legal entities to convince users to provide personal information. Avoid falling victim to scams by not divulging any private information.
  • Use Secure Wi-Fi Connections: While using free Wi-Fi in public places is common, it poses a risk of personal data leakage. If users prefer such connections, utilizing a reputable VPN service encrypts all data transmitted.
  • Exercise Caution with Downloaded Data: Only download data from reliable and verified sources. Many websites host data containing viruses and malware that can access personal data once downloaded.

Remember, online information is often long-lasting. Unlike paper-stored data, powerful online data collection and search tools can easily link data together to create a comprehensive user profile. Once data is published online, it remains there indefinitely, depending on the company’s data retention policies, making it accessible to anyone browsing the internet.

UNDERSTANDING CYBERSECURITY: A COMPREHENSIVE OVERVIEW, 17 Apr 2024 03:21:11 +0000 security is the assurance of activities in cyberspace that do not harm national security, public order, social safety, and the legitimate rights and interests of agencies, organizations, and individuals. Protecting network security involves prevention, detection, and prevention of cyber threats.

With the advancement of technology, network security becomes increasingly crucial as smartphones, computers, and tablets are integral to our daily work and personal lives. The dependence on online tools also necessitates regulations for security and safety in each individual’s network usage.

1. What is Network Security?

Network security is the assurance of activities in cyberspace that do not harm national security, public order, social safety, and the legitimate rights and interests of agencies, organizations, and individuals. Protecting network security involves prevention, detection, and prevention of cyber threats.

Computer security, a subset of network security, utilizes hardware and software to protect data transmitted from personal computers or other devices to information network systems. Computer security functions to safeguard information technology infrastructure and counteract data interception, alteration, or theft by cybercriminals.

2. Principles of Network Security

According to the provisions of the Cybersecurity Law, adherence to the following seven principles is required:

  • First Principle: Adherence to the Constitution and the law; ensuring the interests of the State and the legitimate rights and interests of organizations, individuals.
  • Second Principle: Under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, unified management by the State; mobilizing the comprehensive strength of the political system and the entire people; enhancing the core role of cybersecurity forces.
  • Third Principle: Tight integration between the mission of protecting network security, protecting vital information systems related to national security, and the mission of socio-economic development; ensuring human rights, citizens’ rights; facilitating the activities of organizations, individuals in cyberspace.
  • Fourth Principle: Proactively preventing, detecting, preventing, dealing with, and defeating all activities using cyberspace to infringe upon national security, public order, social safety, rights, and legitimate interests of organizations, organizations, individuals; ready to prevent cyber threats.
  • Fifth Principle: Implementing activities to protect network security for the national cyberspace infrastructure; applying protective measures to information systems related to national security.
  • Sixth Principle: National cyberspace information systems are assessed, certified for network security conditions before being put into operation and used; regularly inspect, monitor network security during use and promptly respond to network security incidents.
  • Seventh Principle: Every violation of laws on network security must be promptly and strictly handled.

3. Measures to Protect Network Security

The law details specific administrative and technical measures to protect network security, safeguarding both national security and the legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals in cyberspace. Stipulated in the 2018 Cybersecurity Law, measures include:

  • Network security assessment.
  • Network security condition assessment.
  • Network security inspection.
  • Network security monitoring.
  • Incident response, network security incident handling.
  • Cybersecurity protection and struggle.
  • Use of encryption to protect network information.
  • Blocking, requesting temporary cessation, suspending the provision of network information; suspending or temporarily suspending the establishment, provision, and use of telecommunications networks, the Internet, and the production and use of radio transceivers according to legal regulations.
  • Requesting deletion, access to delete illegal information or information related to national security, public order, social safety, rights, and legitimate interests of organizations, organizations, individuals in cyberspace.
  • Sealing off, limiting the operation of information system; suspending, temporarily suspending, or requesting the cessation of the operation of the information system, recovering the domain name according to legal regulations.
  • Initiating, investigating, prosecuting, and trying according to the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure; Other measures according to the law on national security, laws on handling administrative violations. Additionally, the Government determines the procedures, and procedures for applying network security protection measures, except for the measures of initiating, investigating, prosecuting, and trying according to the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure and other measures according to the law on national security, laws on handling administrative violations.

4. Prohibited Acts Regarding Network Security

Activities that are strictly prohibited in terms of network security include:

  • Inciting to cause turmoil, disrupt national security, disrupt public order; information containing content that insults, falsely accuses others; information containing content that violates economic management order; Appropriation of property; organizing gambling, online gambling.
  • Organizing, participating in, colluding, inciting, bribing, deceiving, recruiting, training, and training individuals against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
  • Acts of organizing, participating in, colluding, inciting, bribing, deceiving, recruiting, training, and training individuals against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; distorting history, denying revolutionary achievements, undermining the great unity of the entire nation, offending religions, discriminating based on gender, racial discrimination.
  • Spreading false information causing panic among the people, causing damage to socio-economic activities, causing difficulties for the activities of state agencies or persons performing public duties, violating the rights and legitimate interests of other organizations, individuals, etc.

Individuals or organizations involved in such activities will be seriously dealt with.

5. Handling Violations of Network Security

In addition to defining prohibited acts, the cybersecurity law also stipulates penalties for violations of network security. Depending on the severity of the violation, individuals and organizations may face administrative penalties or criminal liability.

The time limit for handling administrative violations in the field of network security is one year, except for cases of administrative violations in the production, purchase, import, supply, exploitation, and export of products, services, network security, in which the time limit for handling administrative violations is two years.

Forms of penalties, measures to remedy the consequences:

It can be seen that for each administrative violation in the field of network security, organizations and individuals must bear the main form of penalties, which is a warning or a fine.

In addition, based on the nature, extent of the violation, organizations, and individuals committing violations are also subject to one or more of the following additional penalties:

  • Revocation of the right to use licenses, certificates, professional practice certificates with a time limit or suspension of operations with a time limit;
  • Confiscation of exhibits, means, documents violating administrative violations;
  • Prohibition of professional activities or related work in activities that violate network security.

In addition to the measures to remedy the consequences specified in points d, i of Clause 1, Article 28 of the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations, individuals, organizations violating network security are also subject to the following additional measures:

  • Compulsory removal of programs, software; forced recovery or destruction of products, equipment, cessation of harmful services in terms of network security; or not ensuring quality or not having a license or not complying with the license;
  • Forced removal of data misappropriated, bought, illegally exchanged;
  • Forced removal, correction of law-violating information;
  • Forced removal of harmful features, components of programs, products, equipment, services, software;
  • Forced recovery of leased numbers, numbers, Internet resources, domain names, Internet addresses (IP), network code numbers (ASN); management codes, service provider numbers;
  • Forced return of IP addresses, ASN, domain names, digital accounts;
  • Forced conversion of the purpose of use of products, equipment, services, software;
  • Forced cancellation of the results of evaluation, assessment, inspection, certification of network security;
  • Forced modification of information on products, equipment, services, software;
  • Forced correction of the results of evaluation, assessment, inspection, certification of network security;
  • Forced evaluation, assessment, inspection, re-certification of network security;
  • Forced re-publication of information on evaluation, assessment, inspection, certification, information on products, equipment, services, software.

This comprehensive framework aims to ensure the security of the digital environment while enabling individuals and organizations to use cyberspace responsibly and ethically. Violations of network security will be treated seriously, reinforcing the importance of adhering to regulations to maintain the integrity of the digital landscape.

SAFEGUARDING YOUR DIGITAL PRESENCE: ESSENTIAL INFORMATION SECURITY TIPS, 17 Apr 2024 03:19:19 +0000 the era of rapidly advancing digital technology, the risk of significant leaks of personal or organizational data is heightened. This is due to the multitude of online activities we engage in – from financial transactions, shopping, planning, to even work. Consequently, our digital footprint is scattered everywhere, making this information susceptible to leaks or theft, leading to substantial damages for both organizations and individuals.

So, what can be done to ensure the safety of information security in the digital age? In this article, let’s examine the current state of cyberattacks and explore ways to secure the information of individuals and businesses in the digital era.

1. Current Landscape of Cyber Attacks and Data Breaches

In an era where cybercrime is rapidly becoming one of the most harmful and threatening offenses, information security becomes a crucial element to navigate the digital world safely. Examining the statistics of damages resulting from cyberattacks highlights the significance of information security.

  • Approximately 800,000 internet-based attacks occur annually.Fraudulent attacks have increased by 48% in the first half of 2022, with reports of 11,395 incidents causing a total damage of 12.3 million USD.Ransomware attacks increased by 41% in 2022, and the identification and recovery from a breach take an average of 49 days longer than an average breach.Data breaches in healthcare caused an average damage of 10.1 million USD per incident in 2021.Expenditure on information security and risk management is projected to reach 188.336 trillion USD in 2023.In the first quarter of 2022, the financial industry was the most targeted, comprising 57% of all fraudulent attacks (According to Group-ib).According to Security Magazine, there were a total of 255 million cases of phishing attacks in the first six months of 2022.

Basic system attack types include:


  • Ransomware: The trend of ransomware attacks has surged in recent years, affecting both large and small organizations, with demands for ransom often being high.
  • DDoS Attacks: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks remain a significant threat, with hackers utilizing millions of insecure IoT devices to generate fake access traffic.
  • Phishing: Phishing attacks, where hackers attempt to deceive users into providing personal information or passwords, continue to be a common attack method.
  • Supply Chain Attacks: Hackers increasingly seek ways to attack service or software providers, especially those catering to numerous large organizations.
  • Infrastructure Attacks: Attacks on critical infrastructure such as energy, water, and healthcare services are becoming more common, raising concerns about national security.

2. The Role of Information Security

Information security is a critical and necessary concern in today’s digital environment. Information security encompasses tools and processes that organizations employ to protect information. This includes implementing policies to prevent unauthorized access to personal or business information.Information security safeguards sensitive information from unauthorized activities, including checking, modifying, recording, and any unauthorized interruption or destruction. The goal is to ensure the safety and privacy of essential data such as customer account details, financial data, or intellectual property.

  • Data Protection: Avoiding leaks, losses, or destruction of crucial data, such as personal information, financial data, or confidential business information.
  • Ensuring Privacy: Protecting users’ personal information from unauthorized access, enhancing user trust when using online services.
  • Preventing Attacks: Minimizing risks from threats such as viruses, malware, ransomware, and attacks from hackers.
  • Legal Compliance: Many countries have regulations regarding information security; compliance helps avoid legal risks and penalties.
  • Protecting Reputation: A security breach can cause significant damage to an organization’s reputation. Protecting information helps avoid such situations.
  • Enhancing Trust: Customers and partners are more likely to trust an organization that prioritizes information safety and security.
  • Ensuring System Readiness: By preventing and responding promptly to threats, IT systems can maintain stable operations without disruption.
  • Cost Minimization: A security breach can incur significant costs, from data recovery to legal penalties and customer loss. Investing in safety and security helps minimize these costs.

3. Six Most Common Forms of System Security Attacks

In recent years, there have been numerous large-scale network attacks causing severe impacts on businesses and individuals. The theft of social security numbers, bank account details, credit card information, and sensitive data leaks have been emphasized. The main cause is that most people store their data on cloud storage services such as Dropbox or Google Drive.Some of the most common types of network attacks include:

  • Online Fraud:
    • Description: Online fraud is a network attack involving deceiving users into clicking on malicious links or attachments. It can lead to the theft of sensitive information, such as login details or financial data.
  • Malware Attacks:
    • Description: Malware is a type of harmful software that can infect computers and devices. It can steal information, take control of devices, or perform attacks on other systems.
  • Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks:
    • Description: A denial of service attack prevents users from accessing a system or service. This can be achieved by flooding the system with access requests or disrupting the system, making it unable to function normally.
  • Ransomware Attacks:
    • Description: Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts files or systems and demands a ransom for decryption. It can result in the loss of essential data or complete system shutdown.
  • Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks:
    • Description: A Man-in-the-Middle attack involves an attacker intercepting communication between two parties. This can be done by eavesdropping on network connections or redirecting access traffic to a malicious server.
  • SQL Injection Attacks:
    • Description: SQL injection attacks exploit vulnerabilities in web applications to inject malicious SQL code into a database. This code can view, delete, or modify data in the database. SQL injection attacks can also take control of the server or perform other harmful activities.

4. Implementing Information Security Measures in the Digital Age

4.1. Personal Information Security:

  • Use Strong Authentication Protocols:
    • Advice: Create strong passwords by combining lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Regularly change them and avoid using the same password across multiple websites. Password manager tools can assist in keeping track.

    Limit Sharing on Social Media:

    • Advice: Be cautious about sharing too much personal information on social media. Check your privacy settings to control who sees your posts and be careful when sharing location, hometown, birthdate, or other personal details.

    Use Public Wi-Fi Cautiously:

    • Advice: Exercise caution when using free public Wi-Fi networks. Most of them have minimal security measures, making it easy for others on the network to access your activities. Wait until you are on a secure, password-protected network before conducting credit card transactions.

    Be Mindful of Links and Attachments:

    • Advice: Cybercriminals often create deceptive schemes resembling legitimate communication from banks, government agencies, or other trusted sources. Be cautious of unsolicited emails, and avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.

4.2. Business Information Security:


  • Employee Training and Awareness:
    • Recommendation: Regularly train employees on information security practices and raise awareness about the latest cyber threats. This includes recognizing phishing attempts, secure password practices, and identifying suspicious activities.
  • Regular Software Updates and Patching:
    • Recommendation: Ensure that all software, including operating systems and applications, is up-to-date with the latest security patches. Regularly update antivirus software to detect and eliminate new threats.
  • Implement Access Controls:
    • Recommendation: Grant employees access only to the information necessary for their roles. Implement strict access controls to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  • Backup and Recovery Procedures:
    • Recommendation: Regularly backup important data and have a robust recovery plan in place. This helps in the event of a ransomware attack or accidental data loss.
  • Incident Response Plan:
    • Recommendation: Develop and implement an incident response plan outlining steps to be taken in case of a security breach. This includes communication protocols, legal compliance, and steps to contain and recover from the incident.

5. Future Trends in Information Security

As technology continues to advance, so do the methods employed by cybercriminals. Anticipating future trends in information security is crucial for organizations and individuals to stay one step ahead of potential threats.

5.1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Security:

  • Prediction: The use of AI in cybersecurity will increase, enabling more proactive threat detection and response. AI systems can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns, anomalies, and potential security risks.

5.2. Quantum Computing and Cryptography:

  • Prediction: The development of quantum computing poses a potential threat to traditional cryptographic methods. The need for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms will become more critical to ensure secure communication.

5.3. Zero Trust Security Model:

  • Prediction: The adoption of the Zero Trust security model will rise, emphasizing the verification of every user and device attempting to access the network. Trust is never assumed, and strict access controls are maintained.

5.4. Biometric Authentication:

  • Prediction: Biometric authentication methods, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, will become more prevalent. These methods offer an additional layer of security beyond traditional passwords.

5.5. Blockchain Technology in Security:

  • Prediction: The use of blockchain technology for securing data and transactions will increase. Its decentralized and tamper-resistant nature provides a robust framework for maintaining the integrity of sensitive information.

In conclusion, the digital age brings both opportunities and challenges. While technological advancements offer convenience and efficiency, they also introduce new risks to information security. Staying informed, implementing proactive measures, and adapting to emerging trends are crucial steps in safeguarding personal and business information in the ever-evolving digital landscape. By prioritizing information security, individuals and organizations can navigate the digital age with confidence and resilience.

SAFEGUARDING PERSONAL DATA ACROSS BORDERS: INSIGHTS INTO INTERNATIONAL PRIVACY LAWS, 17 Apr 2024 03:17:31 +0000 is a human right, intricately linked to each individual and explicitly defined by international law as sacred and inviolable. Despite this emphasis, societal awareness remains limited, facing challenges such as abuse of power, complex social and personal security issues, and negative impacts of market economy and new technologies. Privacy violations are increasingly severe across civil, administrative, economic, and community aspects.

International Legal Framework for Privacy Protection

The right to privacy, acknowledged as a fundamental human right by United Nations agencies, human rights organizations, and scholars globally, is essential for individual autonomy and dignity, constituting a fundamental human right. Legal scholar Ruth Gavison identifies three elements of privacy: secrecy, anonymity, and solitude. Privacy, not solely a concern of legal studies, transcends into ethical, historical, and broad societal domains.

The rudimentary concept of privacy aligns with the emergence of the state, social division of labor, wealth disparities, and societal stratification. Privacy is not only a legal matter but a concern spanning ethics, history, and society at large. The Hippocratic Oath in medicine, pledging confidentiality and respecting patients’ privacy, illustrates its broader societal implications.

In 1361, judges in England deliberated on the basis for apprehending Peeping Toms without violating privacy. The need to protect the poorest from undue intrusion was recognized, asserting that even the King could not enter their homes arbitrarily. Numerous countries subsequently documented and developed privacy rights in legislation over the centuries.

In 1890, American scholars Samuel D. Warren and Louis D. Brandeis published “Right to Privacy,” a pivotal work laying the foundation for U.S. privacy laws. It argued that protecting privacy safeguards individuals from emotional and psychological harm caused by intrusive acts. Concurrently, William Prosser (1898-1972) detailed four specific behaviors constituting privacy infringement.

Presently, privacy protection is viewed as a guide for society, state, community, and individuals to restrict interference in personal and professional lives. The Australian Constitution’s preamble emphasizes the need to respect individual autonomy and limit the power of entities—both state and private—in infringing individual autonomy.

International organizations and information security centers have released reports on “Privacy and Human Rights,” highlighting key privacy concerns: privacy of personal information, including rules governing the collection and processing of personal data; bodily privacy, safeguarding individuals from invasive procedures; communication privacy, ensuring the security of mail, parcels, telephone calls, and electronic communications; and residence privacy, limiting intrusion into personal living spaces or public areas.

The United Nations Charter in 1945, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, and the International Bill of Human Rights mark the development and triumph of the struggle to protect privacy in the fundamental human rights framework. These foundational documents assert strongly that privacy is an inherent and free-standing right, requiring legal protection. Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home, or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.” Subsequently, the right to privacy is reaffirmed in Article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

Other international instruments addressing privacy rights include Article 14 of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (1990), emphasizing protection against illegal interference in the private lives, families, homes, and correspondence of migrant workers and their families. Article 22 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2007) acknowledges that persons with disabilities, regardless of their location or residence, should not be subject to arbitrary or unlawful interference with their private lives, families, homes, or correspondence.

In April 1988, the United Nations Human Rights Committee adopted a document titled “The Right to Respect for Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence, and Protection of Honour and Reputation.” This marked a new milestone in the development of international privacy law, emphasizing the need for appropriate legal provisions to safeguard privacy rights.

According to the UN Human Rights Committee, the collection and retention of personal information, whether by state agencies, state officials, or private individuals in private sectors, should be regulated by law. States must implement effective measures to ensure that personal information does not fall into the hands of those unauthorized by law to process and use it. Effective privacy protection necessitates individuals’ right to know if their personal information is being collected, stored, and processed, and by whom, for what purpose, and who manages their personal information. Individuals also have the right to request correction or deletion of their personal information if it is inaccurate or unlawfully collected or stored.

Investigations into an individual’s family should be limited, conducted only when necessary, and without causing undue inconvenience. Privacy investigations and body searches must be carried out in a manner consistent with the dignity of the person being investigated, with searches of the body by state or health personnel being conducted in accordance with the individual’s gender.

Article 22 of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) recognizes that persons with disabilities, regardless of their location or residence, should not be subject to arbitrary interference in their private lives, families, homes, or correspondence, nor be unlawfully attacked in their honor and reputation. The Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989 dedicates Article 16 to the specific regulation of children’s privacy rights.

In November 2013, the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling on member states to review procedures, legal practices regarding monitoring, surveillance of communication information, prevention and collection of personal data, including mass surveillance. The resolution emphasized the importance of enforcing all relevant human rights obligations under international human rights law to ensure privacy rights.

In summary, the international legal landscape for privacy protection is extensive, spanning declarations, covenants, and conventions that underscore the importance of safeguarding this fundamental human right. Legal frameworks are essential to secure privacy rights, necessitating continuous efforts to address evolving challenges in the digital age.

SHAPING THE FUTURE: AN IN-DEPTH LOOK AT THE MODIFIED U.S. IMMIGRATION LAWS AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS, 17 Apr 2024 03:15:23 +0000 Points in the Amended U.S. Immigration Law Impacting Immigration System Reform in the United States. Upon taking office in January 2021, U.S. President Joe Biden made efforts to amend laws in the U.S. naturalization system that former President Trump had enacted to address the backlog of immigration applications.

1. New Points in the Amended U.S. Immigration Law

The new immigration reform legislation presented by President Joe Biden to Congress has several notable points, contrasting with the anti-immigration policies of former President Donald Trump. These changes positively affect the management of the U.S. immigration system. The Amended U.S. Immigration Law of 2021, signed by President Joe Biden, outlines the standard procedure for those wishing to become permanent residents and citizens of the United States.

2. Key points in the Amended U.S. Immigration Law include:

  1. Restoration of immigration policies for non-U.S. citizens residing and working in the U.S. without documentation as of January 1, 2021 (or earlier), including those under the DACA program (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also known as “dreamers”), individuals with H2-A short-term agricultural worker visas, and individuals with Temporary Protected Status (TPS). These individuals can become U.S. citizens upon meeting the residency requirements for permanent residents and those seeking U.S. citizenship.
  2. Streamlining the family-based green card application process to address the backlog of nearly 2.6 million visa and U.S. green card applications under President Trump.
  3. Elimination of the interview requirement for I-485 adjustment of status cases based on employment. This policy was implemented during the Obama administration but was mostly replaced with interviews under President Trump. President Joe Biden may repeal Trump’s legislation and restore the policy from the Obama era.

This is just the initial step in President Joe Biden’s immigration reform plan. The legislation still needs approval from the U.S. Congress before taking effect. However, the efforts to reform immigration policies in the Amended U.S. Immigration Law by President Joe Biden are evident, as he promptly revoked Trump’s enacted laws and introduced amendments.

3. Benefits of the Amended U.S. Immigration Law

President Joe Biden’s actions regarding the immigration legislation are believed to open a brighter path for nearly 9 million undocumented individuals in the U.S. to become legal citizens. This provides an opportunity for immigrants who have lived, worked, and contributed to the U.S. for many years to apply for U.S. citizenship. The benefits of this legislation include:

  • Establishing a standard pathway for undocumented individuals to apply for U.S. citizenship.
  • The Amended U.S. Immigration Law, following the reforms by President Joe Biden, allows foreign individuals living in the U.S. without documentation to register for temporary legal immigration status. Those in this situation are eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship after passing a background check, the citizenship test, and fulfilling tax obligations after 5 years of registering for immigration.
  • Cases under the DACA program, TPS, and individuals with H2-A visas will receive green cards immediately if they meet the required conditions outlined in the law. These individuals will be eligible for citizenship after 3 years, subject to additional background checks and language proficiency tests.

4. Facilitating Family Reunification

Expected immigration reforms are anticipated to address the backlog of family-based U.S. immigration applications. President Joe Biden aims to revoke unused visas and increase the validity of visas on a per-country basis, allowing relatives of green card applicants to be approved for reunification with their families even while waiting for green card approval. Additionally, the legislation minimizes unnecessary provisions to reduce family separation.

5. Promoting Diversity in the Population

President Joe Biden repealed the travel ban for citizens from Muslim-majority countries imposed by the Trump administration and halted the construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall. The number of green cards in the Diversity Visa Program increased from 55,000 to 80,000, aiming to eliminate religious discrimination and enhance racial diversity among U.S. citizens.

6. Contributing to Economic Growth

The Amended U.S. Immigration Law outlines a streamlined process for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) graduates from U.S. universities to become permanent residents, improving the chances of obtaining green cards for workers in low-wage areas. This is a pilot program for employment-based visa cases, stimulating the economy in various regions. This reform also grants the Department of Homeland Security the authority to adjust green cards based on economic conditions.

7. Impact of the Amended U.S. Immigration Law on Family Sponsorship

President Joe Biden’s reforms to family-based immigration laws have a more humanitarian approach compared to previous policies. The legislation is particularly significant for the lives of Vietnamese individuals in the U.S. and Vietnamese citizens who have immigrated to the U.S. with the intention of sponsoring family members.

The legislation aims to uphold family reunification values and bridge the gap between family members. For those applying for U.S. citizenship, the law allows family members to be sponsored to temporarily join them in the U.S. while awaiting green card approval.

In addition, the Amended U.S. Immigration Law supports permanent residents in sponsoring their boyfriends/girlfriends or LGBTQ+ community members for family reunification.

These are notable points in the Amended U.S. Immigration Law presented to Congress and expected to be implemented throughout President Joe Biden’s term. These reforms are believed to usher in a new era for U.S. immigration policies after the period of President Trump’s administration, providing opportunities for foreigners seeking legal U.S. citizenship.
